Middle School athletes must follow rules regarding participation published by WHS and the MSHSL. The following are additional expectations of the coaches:

  • Athletes will respect coaches and teammates.

  • Athletes will be on time to practice and competitions.

  • Athletes will clear absences from practices and meets with their coaches in advance. If an inordinate amount of missed practices takes place, the athlete may be asked to leave the team.

  • Athletes will schedule activities, and other commitments around practices and meets, and team gatherings.

  • Athletes will work hard to get the most out of their own abilities.

  • Athletes are self-disciplined enough to not have constant supervision.

  • Athletes will contribute to the team by displaying a positive attitude!


Athletes are expected to come to practice each day and attend meets and team events. At the same time, we understand that conflicts can and will arise throughout the season. When your daughter needs to miss practice, please notify the coach in advance with an email or handwritten note. Please avoid having your daughter simply talk with the coach, as it can be difficult to record the information during practice time. 


All middle school athletes should have a good pair of running shoes, a running watch, and a lock for the locker room. A simple, digital wrist watch will work just fine. Each athlete should bring a lock on the first day of school practice. They will each have a locker at Central Middle School to store their backpacks and belongings during practice time. 

Athletes should meet at the soccer fields in the back of Wazyata Central Middle School for practice.

Athletes can be picked up from the main entrance at CMS after practice, or they may take the Activity Bus home. On race days, athletes will need a ride home from CMS since we will not return in time for the Activity Bus.